• Indonesia's Third COVID-19 Wave Has Come

    Look at the screenshot below: Source: [1] You can see that COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has been increasing since mid-January. This means that the third wave of the pandemic has come. Let me show you another way to visualize it: Source: [1] You can see that COVID-19 cases in Indonesia...

  • Pinging Me in Discord DMs Are Useless, Stop Doing It!

    Pinging me in Discord DMs are useless, stop doing it! If you do, you’re wasting your time, because of this… I have been pinged many times by various people on Discord. Some of them are good, some of them are so-so, and the rest of them are bad. To understand...

  • If Something Seems Too Good to Be True, Then It Is

    If something seems too good to be true, then it is. Nothing ever comes easy and instantly without any struggles. I learned A LOT of things that I never think of and I never heard of in my life since entering into the world of Minecraft servers one and a...