Pinging Me in Discord DMs Are Useless, Stop Doing It!

Pinging me in Discord DMs are useless, stop doing it!

If you do, you’re wasting your time, because of this…

I have been pinged many times by various people on Discord. Some of them are good, some of them are so-so, and the rest of them are bad. To understand the reason you should stop pinging me in Discord DMs, you need to understand what are the pings that I consider as ‘good’, ‘so-so’, or ‘bad’. Don’t worry, because I will explain it in this post.

Please note that pinged replies are also considered as ‘pings’, because they behave like a normal ping, just without the @mention tag.

Before I continue, I would like to thank you for opening, reading, and understanding this post, because it helps a lot in saving my time as well as my energy from dealing with avoidable useless issues. Okay, now let’s continue…

1. ‘Good’ pings

Are you replying to a message from me with a relevant message? Do you want or need to say something and I must respond to your message? Do you need to say something urgent to me, for instance, my website suddenly went down? Or do you want to talk or discuss something that’s only related to me?

If you answered one of the questions I mentioned above with “Yes”, then you’re allowed to ping me. Not only allowed, but you also really should ping me, because those messages need personal attention from me.

Please note that you can only do this in non-DM chats, for instance, in public Discord servers or group DMs. As I’ve said, I will explain the reason later in this post.

2. ‘So-so’ pings

There aren’t many examples that I can think of that fits these criteria. However, they are fine to do but at the same time, they are not very important. You can think of types of pings that aren’t ‘good’ but aren’t ‘bad’ either.

3. ‘Bad’ pings

This is so far the most common type of pings that I get, so that’s one of the reasons why I made this post. Hopefully, this post will stop people from doing these ‘bad’ pings…

Are you looking for help from a random person? Are you replying to a message from me with an irrelevant message, for instance, asking about PocketMine-MP plugin help by replying to one of my messages that discuss KygekTeam websites? Are you spamming me with irrelevant stuff by pinging me? Do you want to ask about something that you think I don’t know the answer to or the solution? Or do you @mention me in my DMs to ping me so I can respond immediately?

If you answered one of the questions I mentioned above with “Yes”, then you’re wasting your and my time and energy. In this case, pinging is not important or helpful at all. If you do this, please don’t expect me to reply to your message immediately. Instead, you’ll get a warning or a mute or a kick or even an immediate ban in most servers, including my servers. Therefore, I advise you to not play with Discord’s pinging feature if you don’t know what you’re doing unless you’re ready to get into trouble.

By the way, I always get pinged whenever someone DMs me, even without mentioning me unless I mute that person. And if you always behave in the right way, your DM will never get muted. If I didn’t reply to your DMs immediately, then most likely I was busy, sleeping, or needing some rest. So please stop pinging me in Discord DMs!

Sometimes common sense is all you need!

If everyone has common sense, then I don’t need to waste my time writing this post. Unfortunately, that’s not the case in this community. Therefore, we as Discord owners are trying our best to moderate our users to form a disciplined character within the community.

Sometimes common sense is all you need! Really. With common sense, you know if what you’re about to do is right or bad, and if it’s bad you know whether you will get in trouble or not (P.S. most likely yes!). Because of that, you will always think twice before doing something and you will avoid many troubles.

Always remember to love yourself by avoiding trouble in the first place!


In this post, you have learned about ‘good’ pings, ‘so-so’ pings, and ‘bad’ pings, as well as about common sense. Thank you very much for reading and understanding this post until the end. I hope this post will be helpful to you, not only when DM-ing with me but also in Discord servers and even in the future!

Once again I apologize for any mistakes in this post. I’m planning to regularly improve this post. If you have any feedback, you can always join my Discord server, or you can send a personal DM to me as long as you follow the guidelines.