If Something Seems Too Good to Be True, Then It Is
If something seems too good to be true, then it is.
Nothing ever comes easy and instantly without any struggles.
I learned A LOT of things that I never think of and I never heard of in my life since entering into the world of Minecraft servers one and a half years ago. I have experienced dozens of failures and successes. Based on my experiences, I realized the Minecraft society is one of the hardest ones to face, sometimes as hard as starting your own legal business in real life.
One of the valuable lessons I learned from my experience facing this society is that nothing ever comes easy and instantly without any struggles. Even if some people look like they want to help you, most likely they won’t. Usually, they are just a waste of your time and energy.
It’s always better to think with common sense. Almost nobody that are serious will help you without something in return. Of course, there are some exceptions, but they are rare to come across, so you don’t need to care about those for now.
In the end, you should always expect that everything can only be done by you unless you’re ready to spend money to hire others to work for or help you. Or you are ready to spend your time and energy to “flip the coin” to see whether they are serious or not. At least 95% of people in the community will not work without money, so never expect a good person will shout to you at random times that willing to help you for free.
I apologize for any mistakes in this post, as this is my first post. I’m planning to improve this post very soon by editing. If you have any feedback, you can always join my Discord server, or you can send a personal DM to me as long as you follow the guidelines.